6 Reasons Why You Need a Compelling Home Builder Landing Page

February 03, 2022

6 Reasons Why You Need a Compelling Home Builder Landing Page

Home builder landing pages are critical to improving the success of your lead generation efforts. This component of your marketing strategy offers a highly valuable opportunity to attract new prospects and initiate meaningful engagement with homebuyers.

Your landing page acts as an important first step in the homebuying journey your customers undergo during the process of finding their new home. This compelling strategy delivers interested buyers with the information they need about your homebuying process, as well as a clear next step to move further down the funnel. These pages are specific, customized and highly persuasive with a convincing call for prospects to take action.

Powering your marketing strategy with an exceptional landing page is possible with thoughtful consideration and tactical investment. Let’s discuss what a landing page is, how it’s used and why you need a home builder landing page to effectively fuel your marketing strategy.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a single, independent, dedicated page on your home builder website built solely to capture leads. Prospects typically reach the landing page after engaging with a call to action (CTA) through a paid ad, paid social media, email, etc. The purpose of a landing page is to drive specific behavior by using targeted content that persuades your prospect to take certain actions.

This page is highly specific and devoted to persuading prospects to convert to new leads. A landing page typically generates a clear value-exchanging trade-off for both the home builder and the prospective homebuyer.

Within this page, buyers are offered access to content that is interesting or relevant to their needs, and in return, they must provide you with their personal information. Your home builder landing page could deliver access to a variety of content including digital brochures, buyer incentives, ebooks, event access, available homes list and more.

Landing Page vs. Home Page

It’s important to keep it straight – there’s a big difference between your landing page and your website’s home page. While your home page offers wide navigation with multiple routes to explore the website, a landing page delivers a highly targeted offer and CTA to lead prospects to a specific outcome of capturing leads. The home page is a leisurely stroll around the park, and the landing page is a straight shot to the finish line (aka lead conversion).

Users can visit your home page without a clear, specific intent and click around to discover content throughout your website. On a landing page, however, there are no links or opportunities for distraction and users are strongly directed to a clear offer.

Where Prospects Can Find Landing Pages

Landing pages can be used to capture traffic through two channels of discovery:

  • Organic Search – After conducting a search that references content from your landing page, prospects may find the destination through an organic SERP listing. These prospects are typically at the initial stages of the buying process, and they need well-delivered, informative and persuasive content to augment their interest. As this may be their very first encounter with your brand, the page should effectively share your brand value proposition and an enticing offer. To effectively generate leads, the landing page must provide relevant information, deliver the query intent and provide a clear incentive and CTA.
  • Paid Efforts – When prospects discover landing pages through paid efforts, this traffic typically originates from a paid ad or email CTA link. These prospects are further down the funnel and possess greater intent to complete the desired action. Driving the users to lead conversion requires meeting their needs and providing no alternative options to click away.

When Should You Use a Landing Page?

The best time to use landing pages is when you are actively marketing any new homes, products or services. If you’re running ads to promote certain features or offers from your brand, they can easily become the focus of your landing pages.

For example, home builders can use landing pages throughout different stages of a master-planned community’s life cycle, to target different audiences, draw attention to new buyer promotions or boost slow-selling communities, effectively introduce community openings and more.

Why It Works

From informing your marketing strategy to increasing conversion rates and offering your prospects opportunities to engage with your company, home builder landing pages provide several benefits that we’ll explore below!

Generate Strong Leads

One of the primary objectives of your home builder website is to attract new visitors and successfully convert them into new leads. There’s no better way to accomplish that goal than by supplementing your website design with focused landing pages. Landing pages are an excellent method for initiating a lead qualification process and guiding them through the marketing funnel to a successful sale.

Landing pages enable you to quickly and easily generate strong leads that are valuable for improving sales. After capturing these leads, you can efficiently segment, nurture, or deliver them to your sales agents for further follow-up. Not only does this provide a fantastic sales strategy during the active sales of your master-planned communities, but it also delivers a way to boost pre-sales interest and quickly gather leads before the community opens.

Leverage Your Incentives

It’s likely that your company already offers content or information that your prospective buyers want. But are you asking them for anything in return after you provide what they want? Well, that’s where home builder landing pages come in!

When you provide your offers free of charge, you’re missing a fantastic opening to engage your target audience and boost lead generation. Landing pages are the best opportunity for you to leverage your offers for your prospects’ valuable contact information. Ultimately, this is your visitors’ way of paying you that feels easy and painless for them, just a quick stop toward finding the information they’re looking for. What they don’t know and what you should always remember is that this step is incredibly beneficial for your lead generation efforts.

Learn More About Your Target Audience

Although your landing pages are primarily devoted to converting new leads, they also pose the benefit of delivering more information about the prospects you’re targeting. Within this page, users must complete a contact information form in exchange for access to a specific offer.

While this form provides your team with the details you need to follow up with these leads, it also gives you an opportunity to look into the demographics of each lead. This means every newly captured lead allows you to collect valuable details about the types of visitors you’re converting. With this information about your leads, you earn a new piece of the puzzle that tells you more about your target buyer personas and enables you to better understand their typical needs, lifestyle and desires. The more you know about your target audience, the better you’ll be able to engage these individuals with meaningful, relevant content. And, of course, as you effectively connect and form relationships with these prospects, the more likely it is that you’ll improve your marketing strategies and strengthen sales.

Cater to Different Leads

The ultimate goal of your landing page is to gain new leads for your sales team, so it’s crucial to consider how this page can effectively bolster the interest of every new prospect. As you set up your landing pages, it’s important to remember that each of your potential buyers is at a different stage of the buying cycle – and your landing pages can incorporate CTAs to accommodate each of them! While some buyers may be ready to schedule a tour or contact you for more information, others may want to receive a community brochure or sign up for your email list to receive updates.

By providing several distinct CTAs on your landing pages directed toward various buyer groups, you can deliver actionable options for all visitors, no matter where they are along the sales funnel. Be sure to only include one offer per landing page as adding multiple offers on a single landing page can decrease conversions by 266%. When buyers are overwhelmed, the path to action becomes unclear and decreases their likelihood to convert. However, when each page offers a clearly defined choice relevant to the preferences of each buyer, it’s more likely that they will take action and convert to a lead.

Streamline Conversion Process

Landing pages are highly customized, designed to get prospects to act by avoiding all sources of friction. Using a landing page to drive conversions obligates prospects to singularly focus on specific, targeted information meant to guide their behavior. Simplifying the behavior and decision process of your users with a streamlined value exchange – their contact details for your content – often leads to stronger conversion rates.

On your full website, there are a wide array of options that can cause distraction, such as menu navigation buttons and several different site pages to explore. But on a landing page, user navigation options are restricted, and their choices are limited to the desired action – i.e. completing a form with their contact information.

A strong landing page design should not include:

  • Site-wide navigation options
  • Other website page links
  • Related offers from different landing pages
  • Social media buttons

Evaluate Lead Generation Success

As you begin to gain new leads from your home builder landing pages, you can track KPIs within the page data. Performance indicators for landing pages range from average time on site to exits or bounces, the number of leads generated and conversion rates. This provides an incredibly valuable opportunity to evaluate the page’s performance and how well the page and marketing offer engages visitors and where improvements can be made for enhanced results.

With multiple landing pages, you can compare data to learn which strategies or content works best and utilize that information to further optimize each landing page. Along with tracking data, you can also test different designs for your landing page by experimenting with different page elements including headlines, copy, imagery and contact form to gauge what encourages or stops visitors from converting. By continuously assessing and improving the performances of each landing page, your team can significantly elevate the landing page user experience and improve your overall lead generation process.

Construct Home Builder Landing Pages Made for Success

Home builder landing pages, when crafted efficiently and thoughtfully, can become a valuable component of your marketing strategy. By creating an optimized home builder landing page, you can effectively deliver clear, persuasive CTAs for your potential buyers and significantly enhance conversion rates.

Reach out to our team today to learn more about best practices compelling home builder landing page that converts qualified, interested homebuyers.

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